Secretly, I'm aiming for a rhythm that exceeds my expectations

Am I ever gonna get it?



Ask For Prns


Mud Eater (They/Them) is our host. Todd (We are dead serious with his source :skull_emoji:) (they/he), Laura (she/her) and Alby (ask) front sometimes too. Other alters aren't disclosed here.

Neutral Honorifics (I love Captain)

SimplyPlural is VianRian, tell us if you frq

Art Credit :]

No dni, if I don't like you I'll just block you lmao


I don't talk about discourse often but I do get passionate when I do debate; don't be shy to say I need to calm down.

I like IDV, Homestuck/Hiveswap, and Warriors among other stuffs.

I also like bees, orcas, P.M.O.W, cats, other things like cats and Cephalopods.

AuDHD; Be aware of this.

I like cards :) My fave non-standard suit is Acorns.